Join Gam Gam Am I Mixed in spreading warmth and kindness this season!
We’re excited to announce our pajama drive in partnership with the Boys & Girls Club in Chico! Help us make a difference by donating pajamas for children in need this winter. Girls and Boys sizes for all ages needed. For every three pajamas you donate, and the purchase of our enchanting children’s book, Gam Gam Am I Mixed you will be entered to win a Gam Gam Am I Mixed holiday basket.
Embrace the joy of giving and receiving!
To donate, simply reach out to Mollie Openshaw or Linda Phelps via message or Facebook or Instagram to arrange a pajama drop-off or pick-up. Your generosity will bring comfort and warmth to children while embracing the beautiful message of Gam Gam Am I Mixed. Let’s spread the love this holiday season!
#PajamaDrive #SpreadKindness